No matter what life throws at us, if we have a plan we believe in - don't give up! When the haters come out, when nobody gives a flip about you or yur goals... screw it. Let's plow through, continue to build character, and know we're doing our best. Wow,…
Let's change our perspective, or perhaps just re-set it. We can do this in simple ways, like taking a different route to work, maybe changing up lunch spots, visiting different friends... you get it. Doing things just a bit differently can give us pause for thought and change our thinking…
Let's get our swagger back ok? Maybe it was COVID, government or political stupidity, media overload... whatever happened,, many of us lost our self-confidence and yes, our swagger so to speak. I know I did at times and had to learn to tune out the garbage and get on with…
Think lightly, as said by the famous Aldous Huxley... and ease your mind. It's a variation on our common themes here on SMFRThePodcast... staying in the moment, living our best lives, etc. When we start thinking too deeply (about the wrong stuff) we can quickly go down the ubiquitous "rabbit…
How to start over... we all get stuck in ruts; sometimes big but hopefully most of the time small. However, it's up to us to changes things, to shake things up, to do whatever it takes to make the most of our days and our lives in general. These five…
Tip of the day (maybe the week or year actually) is that every day is a special occasion. It doesn't take a birthday or holiday to make us appreciate our family and friends. In fact, these everyday interactions hopefully make us appreciate the "special" days even more - at least…
You are in control! When we react to others actions towards us it can really throw our day off track. Let's not let that happen - we've got to stay in control of our mind, our thoughts, and subsequently the rest of our day. Don't let the negative vibes -…
How to start our days right... two basic things to help us kickstart our days and allow us to proceed to proceed with a positive mindset. These l'il reminders help pull me back as I veer of the tracks; it works for me and maybe (just maybe!) it works for…
The power of unity... when we work together we can do amazing things. This brief example of total strangers working to help someone is not only inspiring but also shows the true nature of who we are as a people. Pretty cool to see these days when the world (the…
You're the boss! Let's remember that as we go through the day. Your significant other, your supervisor at work, friends, etc... hopefully they are a good influence but always remember - we control ourselves. Confidence in ourselves leads to peace and happiness but it's all up to us to control.…
America... love it or leave it. To all the celebrities who say they're leaving the country - bu-bye! Gonna drive your car off of a cliff? Set yourself on fire? No you're not. Your sophomoric words are not what we need at this time and you all don't mean it…
5 things to quit doing right now... this pretty much sums up a lot of what we discuss here on SMFRThePodcast. Self-improvement, taking care of ourselves, simplifying our lives, and - ta da! - NOT overthinking things. Hope these l'il reminders help you as much as they help me. Love…
America the beautiful... we have to keep our freedoms to keep it that way - and to restore the freedoms that have been taken away from us. Like it or not, we are a bellwether for the rest of the world. As we go, so go other countries. Let's vote…
Media overload can take us down a nasty rabbit hole before we know it - and ruin our best laid plans and our good vibes amight? Think so y'all. Let's eliminate it by turning off the mainstream media's propaganda and so-called social media "friends" (aka bots and fringe followers), clearing…
We’re seeing increasing desperation from the media and government in their continuing attempt to divide us as a people. The more they try to fit us into boxes the more we should resist… and the more we are realizing what’s going on. Control is the name of their game, but…
Let it be... words of wisdom as The Beatles told us many years ago. So true; we can't change the past nor can we worry needlessly about the future. a great majority of times our worries never become reality and - if they do - rarely manifest themselves as we…
Train your brain not to worry... how to do it? Not easy but once we master it, it sticks with us. I've done it by blocking worrisome thoughts and easing them out of my l'il head. Not harshly or in an admonishing way, but by gently nudging them - telling…
Love your mind… and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re sad or just bummed out a lot. Happens to all of us; a little guidance for all of us in this short hope you check it out. Love all y’all!
A great book by Joseph Nguyen, who packs a lot of good stuff into 120 very-readable pages. This short (and accompanying podcast on focus on Ch 5 and reminds us that our natural stats of mind is happiness. It's only when we start thinking (and OVERthinking) that our mind…
Stay calm and things will work themselves out... easy to say. but often so hard to do isn't it? The reality of it (and a recurring theme here is) that getting all lathered up and overthinking does not good whatsoever. Let's practice staying calm, staying in the moment, and trusting…
The Struggle Bus is real, for all of us - but we have to endure the bumps and get off at the next stop. We can do it by lifting up each other, helping each other, whether in person or even over the interweb airwaves lol. In a world full…
I’ve got a secret… haven’t figured this stuff out. I just need these shorts as a reminder of how to stay on track. Hopefully helpful to you as well and love sharing with all y’all!