Let's get our swagger back - for real ok? Perhaps it was COVID, perhaps it was the crazy political circus or media overload... whatever happened, many of us lost our self-confidence and our swagger, so to speak. I know I …
What, me worry? What good does it accomplish? The esteemed songwriter (and kind-of philosopher WIllie Nelson believes it can make us sick both mentally and physically. There's a lot of truth to that, so as we go through our d...
Think lightly and ease your mind... a variation of our common themes here on SMFRThePodcast, such as living in the moment, taking a mind break, etc. I saw a quote by the author Aldous Huxley on the subject of "thinking …
How to start over... we all get stuck in ruts - sometimes big, hopefully most of the time small. However, it's up to us to change things, to shake things up, to do whatever it takes to make the most …
Every day is a special occasion isn't it? It doesn't take Christmas, Easter, birthdays, or whatever to make us appreciate our family and friends - or new friends we might make that day. If anything, appreciating those everyda...
Two basic things we need to get things going in the right direction to start our day. So simple yet we often forget how important they are (and don't we all need a l'il reminder sometimes?). So before we can …
You're the boss! Let's remember that as we go through our day. Your significant other, your supervisor at work, friends, etc... hopefully they're a positive influence but always remember that we control ourselves and our thou...
5 things to quit right now... this l'il 10 minute podcast is pretty much a microcosm of almost all of the things we discuss here on SMFRThePodcast.com. These reminders are sure helpful to me and hopefully to you as well. …
Media overload can take us down a rabbit hole before we know it - and ruin our best laid plans, not to mention our day and our good vibes. It can be overwhelming as we know, so let's eliminate it …
If you've ever been bullied in the past, or just mistreated in school or other situations, you know how humiliating it can be - and you never want to see that happen to others right? In my case, I remember …
Don't Believe Everything You Think is a great reference book by Joseph Nguyen. Mr Nguyen packs a lot of good stuff into 120 pages and it hasn't left my desk since I got it a few months ago. This podcast …
The Struggle Bus is real, for all of us - but we have to endure the bumps and get off at the next stop. We can do it by lifting up each other, helping each other, whether in person or …
Here are 9 ways to calm yourself when things start getting a little rough - or good ol' anxiety rears it's ugly head. Staying in the moment and not letting the past or future get our minds racing is so …
Sometimes we just need a reset, like going through our social media accounts and getting rid of the garbage (i.e., overbearing political content, media bias, whiny people... well, you know). Let's focus on the good stuff that...
Slight deviation from our usual content, but couldn't resist having my buddy Carter on to talk NFL, the Tampa Bay Bucs, and Baker Mayfield's comeback. Actually it is related to our usual themes as Baker was counted out by man...
There are energy takers, and there are energy givers. We all know this but in this podcast we define the differences and the amazing impact they have on our lives (and our physical and mental well-being). Truth be told, all …
I think a lot of us would agree that many of us suffer from some form of depression; the really bad kind requiring serious attention, to simple, everyday funky stuff that puts us, well, into a funk. This l'il episode …
We can (and do) get so bogged down with constant phone-checking, going down rabbit holes, and endless social media bombardment that we can "lose the forest for the trees" so to speak. In other words, losing sight of our daily...
Get your mind right... call it meditation, or just plain ol' chillaxing, but we simply have to take time for ourselves (and our little gray cells as Poirot would say) during our busy lives. George Harrison (ex-Beatle and note...
Vibe shirt. Are you familiar? You may be a part of it, and it's a real thing: Those of us tired of the government, media, corporate America shoving things down our throat are seeing things for what they really are …
7 ways to say no... there are probably more but these are fairly polite ways to avoid getting into a situation you might regret later. Sometimes we're so concerned about hurting others' feelings (or just coming off the wrong ...
5 times to be quiet - not always easy to do, but very effective for our own selves as well as those around us. Hey, sometimes we don't feel like swinging from the chandelier or being the life of the …
A brief ode to one of my favorite books. Written by Dale Carnegie back in 1948, its' lessons are applicable today more than ever. Hope these short podcasts provide a groovy l'il respite to your day, and guess what? I …
5 rules to stay positive in 2024, or really any year, or any time going forward. We're challenged more and more these days, as well as bombarded with information we're may not be important to us. Let's get back to …