8 ways to beat overthinking here we have the second: Avoid self-rejection. In other words, don't beat yourself up over things; let your self-confidence shine throughout the day. You worked for it, you deserve it - so go get it. Love all y'all!
8 steps to beating overthinking; 1 step for the next 8 days. Hey we all do it, and it can dominate our minds. Let's not let it; let's beat it. Love all y'all!
Visualize success and it will come. "We are what we think about", so let's think "success". Easier said than done sometimes - and it sounds so simplistic - but visualization does work. Hopefully this video gives a little insight - thanks for subscribing and you know I love all y'all!
How to choose happiness is just as simple as the words imply. Damn, don't you know that negative thoughts creep in and - Boom! - there goes a day that could have been one of our best ever. Hey who knows? We are what we think about all day -…
Four daily reminders in this #short. Simple things we can do to have a chill day. Easy to say, sometimes hard to do; we just have to remember and realize that we're actually all pretty groovy. Love all y'all and thanks for subscribing!
Take time for appreciation, and not with a text. The old-fashioned ways still work best; a hand-written note, a phone call… old school is the best school right? Love all y’all!
In everything you do, go first class. We can’t afford not to friends!
Fear can be dealt with in many ways but it CAN be defeated. Forget Everything And Run? Nope. Face Everything And Rise! Love all y’all 😍.
Million Dollar Habits is another reference book to keep handy, and one of the chapters discusses “alternative thinking” AKA “think outside the box”. Try it you’ll like it… love all y’all!
Johnny Cash Folsom Prison Blues. Since this is YouTube Shorts I can only get in one verse or so at a time but we're getting there! One simply cannot get enough of The Man In Black, and I've been playing his music for many years - tribute shows too. Folsom…
Make a list and get things done. You can do it with that little bit of structure in writing it all down. Prioritize from top to bottom and start knocking stuff off of it. It's simple but effective for me; how about you? Anything you do to assist you in…
Mindfulness.. blocking out the noise. We can do it through reading, but for convenience sake (or in the middle of the night in the dark), why not try a meditation app? There are free ones, but the paid apps usually come with a trial period. If you like one, it's…
Battling anxiety; what’s the secret? For me, it’s chilling, reading, and nudging intruding thoughts out. How about you? Let me know in the comments and give us all new ideas!
Johnny Cash boyhood home. Just off I-55 a bit northwest of Memphis. A trip worth taking and a snapshot in time (not to mention American history). You’ll feel connected to JR and his roots; wow I’m getting goosebumps just thinking our trip there. God Bless Johnny Cash and you know…
The Magic of Thinking Big vs. "We've Always Done It This Way"... welcome new ideas, step out of your comfort zone, whatever you want to call it - well, you get it. If not for doing so, we'd have no innovations from the most basic to the most complex. Welcome…
Johnny Cash Big River. A classic from The Man In Black. Maybe not one of his most famous songs but legendary as is everything JR performed. Hope you like it and love all y'all!
A life hack we can all use at times: Raise a little hell! The lyrics to a ‘70s rock song by Trooper and never more relevant than in today’s cra-cra world. “You’ve just gotta stand up alone; dig in your heels and see how it feels, to raise a little…
How to lose weight; plain and simple (and free!). Diets, gyms, pills, trainers, etc can all cost mucho dinero. This simple (and did I mention free?) formula gets it done. Just basic math. Let me know how you’re doing and I love all y’all ❤️!
Elvis! Trouble (T-R-O-U-B-L-E). The Original rap song. Nothing else comes close but Busta Move and Run DMC were pretty fly… Enjoy and love all y’all!
Morgan Freeman suggested the best way to end racism is to stop talking about it. Before dismissing this out of hand, think about what he said. Seriously. The media/corporations/government try to divide us but we are one people. Love all y’all 😍.
Overthinking and we all do it. Let it go and let your subconscious take over. Problem will be solved. Also Johnny Cash. Love all y’all 😍!
Do what you fear and fear disappears. You know what? It works. Things that we may dread doing are never as bad as our minds can make it seems. Try it; you’ll like it. Yup. Love all y’all!
You know how to handle one of those days? Just go back to bed. Hey just kidding! before things get out of hand, we need to finish whatever unexpected tasks popped up, reset and move on. As David Bowie once said "Get things done" (can you guess the song?). Hey…