John Prine Souvenirs. Great American songwriter, great song. Yup it’s only 60 seconds but that’s YouTube Shorts and hopefully a l’il pick me up for you. Love all y’all ❤️!
Folsom Prison Blues is one of Johnny Cash moved loved (and covered) songs. Been in my setlist for many years and here’s a short snippet for you. Love all y’all!
Something different for the ol’ SMFRThePodcast channel but who doesn’t love Johnny Cash? This has been in my setlist for 15 years and is universally loved, and hey… I love all y’all 👍❤️!
Johnny Cash “Ring of Fire” has been in my setlist for 15 years and rightfully so. Young and old(er) love The Man In Black. Something totally different for this here channel but I just felt like it y’all ❤️!
How to get through a tough day? Just chill. It’s not easy but block your negative thoughts or worries. Let it ride, get a good night’s rest… and get back at it tomorrow. It works for me and you know I love all y’all!
The Golden Rule is the key to happiness. Kindness toward others as you would have them be kind to you. Just a small reminder here friends. Love all y’all!
Chicken Soup For The Soul… great little reference books with short stories and anecdotes to ease our minds. If you know you know. Love all y’all!
Hey, is cancel culture ruining our holidays? Pick a holiday and some divider or group has a problem with it in an attempt to get us fighting amongst ourselves. Recurring themes in my videos and podcasts are simple: Unity. We Are One People. The Golden Rule. While the bigs (corporations,…
Let's discuss Cancel Culture and the American workplace. Times have changed haven't they? Sure there are boundaries, and discrimination and harassment are certainly not to be tolerated. However, we've got to have some fun at work to make it more pleasant. Think "The Office". Hey, enjoy your work day and…
How Cancel Culture Is Destroying An Entire Generation. Explaining how we just don't have conversation anymore where we can iron out our differences and come away with mutual respect. Now too often it's social media bashing and public shaming; relationships are splintered and even worse, keyboard warriors and quick to…
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff! Hey it's all small stuff. Let's get our heads right today; a little time for ourselves, a dose of mindfulness - and give your burdens the ol' Irish Good-bye. Every now and again we all need a re-set, so let's make today that day -…
Is Cancel Culture The New Cyberbullying? You betcha. The video explains how they're both ways of public shaming; attacking with little to no basis in fact or evidence. They also allow people to says things over social media that they'd never say to their face. In short, both are pretty…
Don’t Let Differences Divide Us. This is what the media, government and big corporations seek to do to us. We are one people. Love all y’all!
It's Easier To Succeed Than To Fail. This book is a classic success story about the founder of Chick-Fil-A and is truly the framework of so many others such as Ray Kroc (McDonald's) and Kurt Warner (Super Bowl Champion), etc. Actually failure is a part of success as we go…
Put down the phone and pick up a book. Yup. Not to preach, but it can really change things up. Plus old books can bring back memories and cause us to reflect - hey the interwebs can't pul that off. Whether it's books, albums, heck even planting a garden and…
Cancel Culture: Spuds Mackenzie Where Are You? Wondering how good ol’ Spuds would fare in todays’ cancel crazy world… Those were the golden days of commercials and after all, he WAS the OG Party Animal! Love all y’all!
The Future Of Cancel Culture? Who would've thought that 10 years ago Dr Seuss would be getting "cancelled" by the TEFs (Those Easily Offended). Good grief what's coming in 10 more years? Most of us, though, live our lives and don't let this stuff affect us - we've got better…
You Get What You Give (Karma Is real!). The 90's song by New Radicals doesn't make a lot of sense lyrically (to me anyway), but the message is spot on: what we put out into the world comes back to us. Call it karma, call it what you want (but…
Think for yourself and question authority. Timothy Leary said it, The Ramones and those of us in the punk era lived it - and we need it back. The resistance is NOT aligning with the media/government. Love all y’all!
Is Journalism Dying? Stay Positive! We need to stay informed on the basics (events, weather, etc) but wow all we get is bias across the board these days. Select your sources and stick with ‘em. Try to filter out the garbage. Your mental health will thank you so stay positive.…
Everybody has a story to tell; hey we all do. It’s amazing when you start chatting with folks and find out there's so much more to than just their outward appearance. Whether it's friends (who have a story from earlier in their life) or a total stranger at a lunch…
Everybody has a story to tell... hey we all have them. It's amazing when you start chatting with folks and find out there's so much more to them than just appearance. Whether it's close friends (who did some stuff earlier in life) or a total stranger at a lunch counter,…
Cancel Culture: What's Next? Boycotts, public shaming, cancel this - cancel that... hey we're better than that y'all. The media and government want to "divide and conquer" and have us argue amongst ourselves rather that have us see what they're doing to our society. We are one people. Love all…
Cancel Culture: What's Next? Boycotts, Public shaming, cancel this - cancel that... hey we're better than that y'all. The media and government want to "divide and conquer" and have us argue amongst ourselves rather than see what they're actually doing to society. We cannot allow this; we must stick together.…